adnan's kitchen


  •  2  medium sized fish, hake or the like
  •  2 cups Rice
  •  3 large Onions Onions
  •  1 Lemon
  • Vegetable oil
  •  Salt
  •  Black pepper
  •  Allspice
  •  Turmeric
  •  Clove
  •  Ground cardamom




Kuwaiti cuisine
Kuwaiti cuisine is very important to the culture of Kuwait. The national dish of Kuwait known as machboos consists mainly of mutton, chicken, or fish placed over or mixed in a large mass of well-cooked and prepared rice. Mutabbaq Samak is fish served over rice cooked in well spiced fish stock. Food is almost always prepared and served in large amounts, and it is extremely common for households to invite guests over to share meals. Kuwaiti cuisine is an infusion of Indian, Persian, Mediterranean, and Najdi (the center of the Arabian peninsula) cuisines.


Adnan's Kitchen
Mutabbaq Samak
(Fish & rice, Kuwaiti style)



  1. Open fish from belly, clean and wash well.
  2. Wash and strain rice
  3. Chop one onion fine and brown it in the cooking pot using little oil.
  4. Add some salt, all spice lemon juice, dill  and some baking powder.
  5. Stir on low fire for a few minutes and divide the quantity into two portions: one for stuffing and the other for topping the fish.
  6. Stuff fish with half the quantity and close opening either with a twine or with tooth picks.
  7. Drop the fish in  boiling water to cover it and let boil for 6-8 minutes depending on type of fish, then lift the fish and place it in a strainer.
  8. Use the liquid to cook the rice in the normal manner.  (See Rice recipe)
  9. Fry fish in oil after coating them  with flour and some allspice.
  10. Put the fish and the remaining half of the stuffing on top of the rice in the pot and  let simmer, covered, on low fire, for nearly one hour.
  11. When done, re-arrange very carefully in a platter, with rice first, then the fish on top  and the stuffing at the end.